Treating Eczema with CBD – Benefits & Effects

Many people suffering from eczema have turned to rely on CBD because of its anti-inflammatory properties. CBD appears to safer to use since it’s completely natural. Even though research on the effectiveness of CBD in treating eczema is still being conducted, many studies have revealed the beneficial effect of CBD in general on the skin. 

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dryness, irritation, itching as well as inflammation. This condition is very common and an estimated 30% of Americans are said to be affected by it. It’s most common in children, although adults can also develop it. The symptoms of eczema can be treated relatively easily, but the sad thing is that the underlying cause often remains. There are many types of eczema, but atopic eczema is the most common form.

Eczema is known to be treated with corticosteroid creams and other anti-inflammatory drugs when applied directly to the skin. However, these drugs can cause serious side effects, with the most common being thinning of the skin, thereby leaving the affected area more vulnerable to injury and infections. Moreover, such treatment options could also result in color change, or cause other skin problems like acne.

According to recent scientific discoveries, the skin contains cannabinoid receptors, which binds with either endogenous cannabinoids produced by the body or phytocannabinoids which comes from the cannabis plant. It should be noted that these receptors are an essential element of the endocannabinoid system (ECS), which is directly involved in allergic inflammation reaction. 

It has also been revealed through studies carried on mice that animals lacking these cannabinoid receptors have an increased allergic response compared to controls. This finding was supported by the results of a study that was carried on dogs with eczema (atopic dermatitis). It was revealed that dogs with atopic dermatitis have increased immune reactivity at cannabinoid receptors compared to their healthy counterparts.

It has therefore been suggested that using cannabinoids like CBD to treat the endocannabinoid system could help skin conditions like eczema by reducing both inflammation as well as relieving dry skin. Moreover, CBD is also reported to have the ability to soothe other symptoms of eczema such as pain and itching due to the presence of cannabinoid receptors in the nervous system.

In addition, cannabinoids like CBD have also been reported to have antimicrobial properties. This therefore implies that CBD could help in treating weeping, infested eczema or eczema combined with a yeast infection.

Although CBD is found naturally in cannabis plants, it is often used medicinally in the forms of extracts, oils and topical creams. Consuming CBD oil orally is one of the best ways to maximize it, especially if the eczema is alongside another inflammatory condition. More so, consuming CBD capsules and gummies is also another convenient way of dosing. That said, CBD topical creams have been observed to be most effective in relieving inflammation, discomfort and irritations caused by eczema.

It remains a fact that eczema is a challenging condition to effectively treat and conventional therapies do not only offer short term relief, but they could also be associated with adverse side effects. However, although there is no doubt that CBD could act as a natural solution for eczema by reducing itchiness, inflammation and pain, there is an absolute need for more research on the subject.

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