How To Get a Medical Marijuana Card in Valley Center

KS – A marijuana card, or MedCard is a state issued ID card that allows qualified patients access to medical cannabis in accord with state laws. There is not a path to legalized medical cannabis in Valley Center, not without hurdles. Unlike most of the United States, including all the neighbors, Kansas remains frozen in progress of this evolution in modern medicine taking place.

The Kansas Committee on Federal and State Affairs recently passed House Bill 2184 that would legalize medical marijuana. The bill needs to be passed by the Senate before attaining the governor’s signature to sign it into law.

If the bill is passed, qualifying patients would need to register with the state health department and obtain a doctor’s certification to receive a medical marijuana card in Valley Center. Get the process started today!

Pre-Register for a KS Cannabis Card

To get started early, and stay up to date on what’s going on with the Marijuana Market in Kansas, we make it easy. To connect with a recommending medical marijuana doctor in Valley Center as they become active, simply fill out the patient registration form below. You will also receive updates and news related to marijuana in general. Legal Residents Only Please.

MMJ Get Started

Sign Up for Medical Cannabis Today!

For potential patients, if you’re ready, we make it easy to connect with a medical marijuana doctor nearby or online. If you are interested in getting certified, please fill out the MMJ patient registration form below and press submit to get started. See if you qualify today!

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MedCard Registration Form

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Qualifying Conditions List

Below are examples of Debilitating Medical Conditions in other states that may qualify patients when medical marijuana is approved in Kansas.

Medical Marijuana

Valley Center Marijuana Card FAQ

How Much Does a Kansas Medical Marijuana Card Cost?

  • To Be Determined

How much does getting certified by a KS Marijuana Doctor Cost?

  • Average visits to recommending marijuana doctors in other states vary. Typically, between $160 – $225 for an initial visit & $100-$200 for follow up visits. If MedCard telemedicine is allowed when the rules are written, the price to get a marijuana card in Valley Center online may be less.

How often do I have to see my doctor?

  • Normally once a year. Many doctor visits are being done online using MedCard Telemedicine

How Long are Marijuana Cards good for?

  • In most states medical cards are valid for 1 year.

Once I have my Kansas MMJ card, where can I buy marijuana?

Once I have been approved, can I grow my own weed?

Which states near me have Medical or Recreational cannabis programs?

What is the difference between CBD & THC?

  • Psychoactive Vs. Non-Psychoactive. THC creates a euphoric effect due to the way it connects to the bodies endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has been recently recognized as an important modulatory system in the function of brain, endocrine, and immune tissues. Cannabidiol, or CBD reacts differently and is used with patients that require or prefer non euphoric care.

Where can I get CBD products in the meantime?

How Much Should I Use?

  • We are not doctors and do not give medical advice. Please consult with an qualified physician before using.

If you have any further questions after reading this check out the full Kansas MedCard Guide.

Med Card Certification Get Started

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