How To Get A Medical Marijuana Card Online In Montana
The original Montana medical marijuana law growers could only serve a maximum of three patients. At one point, lawmakers in Montana attempted to repeal the state’s medical marijuana laws. From March 2009 to May 2011 the number of cardholding patients in the state ballooned from 2,000 to 31,000 then dropped to around 9,000 and then shot back up to more than 25,000 by March 2018.
It sure has been a wild ride for medical marijuana patients in Montana. We’ll cover all these facts and more in this 2022 guide including the steps you’ll need to take to get your very own medical marijuana card in the state of Montana.
What is Montana Marijuana Telemedicine?
It's the way to get a Montana medical card online from home!
Montana – Telehealth gives patients the opportunity to visit with a marijuana card doctor in Montana using your smart phone, tablet, or personal computer. Online medcard appointments help reduce the spread and exposure of patients to Coronavirus (COVID-19). Qualified patients can get legal THC and CBD medicine for the treatment of several qualifying conditions.
Live marijuana telehealth appointments can be done from anywhere in the state online without having to leave the house. No travel, in person doctor office visit, or inconvenience. Your Montana medical card will be issued after the doctors approval. It doesn’t get any more germ free than this!
If you’re ready, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, press submit, and you’re on your way to a marijuana doctors appointment from the comfort of your living room or dining room table. You will receive an email with follow up details as well. See if you qualify today.
Get Started Today!

MMJ Patient Registration Form

Montana Marijuana Qualifying Conditions
In order to qualify for a medical marijuana card certification, patients must be suffering from at least one of the qualifying medical conditions outlined under MT law. These include:
- Admittance into hospice care
- Any central nervous system disorder that results in chronic, painful spasticity or muscle spasms
- Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
- Cancer
- Chronic pain
- Crohn’s disease
- Epilepsy or any intractable seizure disorder
- Glaucoma
- Intractable nausea or vomiting
- Multiple sclerosis
- Painful peripheral neuropathy
- PTSD (post-traumatic stress disorder)
Other conditions like Anxiety and Depression may be associated with listed condition such as PTSD. Any Central Nervous System disorder is broad as well.
Montana Medical Marijuana Overview
Now you know if you qualify, let’s take a look at the big picture.
Since its inception in 2004, Montana’s medical marijuana program has gone through hell and back again. Although the program was nearly killed more than once, today the state has a thriving program with more than 25,000 patients. That’s high (if you’ll excuse the expression) for a state with just over 1 million residents.
The original program was put in place under Measure I-148, aka the Montana Medical Marijuana Act. The measure was approved by 62% of the popular vote. However, under this program, there was no regulated market and growers were limited in scope.
Over the years, conservative lawmakers in the state have made numerous efforts to shut down medical marijuana in Montana. At one point, lawmakers actually followed through on their threats and repealed the state’s medical marijuana laws. Thankfully that effort was vetoed by the governor.
In another attempt at quashing the program, lawmakers passed a law that made the program basically unworkable. And in 2012, federal law enforcement agents shuttered dozens of medical marijuana dispensaries in Montana. All of these efforts to shut the program down failed thanks to the perseverance of patients and advocates who initiated legal challenges.
Then in 2016, voter initiative, I-182, a proposal to loosen the rules and expand the list of qualifying conditions, passed with 58% approval setting the program back on the rails. Since then, lawmakers have made several revisions to the laws which have, to the relief of many medical marijuana patients in the state essentially guaranteed the program’s survival.
Moreover, under new rules, medical marijuana growers are now required to start testing, labeling, and tracking marijuana and other cannabis-infused products thus enhancing public safety.
2 Steps To Get a Montana Medical Marijuana Card
Getting a medical marijuana card in Montana is fairly simple compared to some other states. In fact, in many cases, the entire process, including a doctor’s appointment, takes place online.
Under the original rules, patients are required to have a “bona fide physician-patient relationship.” Even so, many Montanans find it extremely easy to get their card.
Here are the two steps to getting your Montana medical marijuana card:
First, visit your doctor
The first thing you’ll need to do in order to get your card is to visit your doctor. This can be an MD or an osteopath. This visit can happen online if your doctor offers telemedicine services.
If your current doctor does not offer this service you’ll need to find a doctor that does. You can fill out the form below and we’ll help you find one.
Technically a recommending physician is required to complete a full assessment of a patient’s medical history and current medical condition. However, many cardholders report that they have been approved after a less-than-10-minute Skype call (video conference).
If your doctor approves they’ll provide you with a form attesting that you qualify for the program. You’ll need to submit the form with your application.
Second, apply for your card
The next step is download the medical marijuana card application forms which can be found here, or to apply on line via Complia’s Industry Portal.
Here are some of the documents that you’ll need to submit with your application in addition to your doctor’s recommendation:
- Photo – You’ll need to supply a passport style photo which will be used on your card. The photo must conform to the following requirements:
- Full color
- Shoulders up
- Recently taken (within six months)
- Square (rectangular photos will be rejected)
- Off-white background
- Directly facing the camera with a neutral facial expression and both eyes open
- No sunglasses or hats
- Not be digitally enhanced or altered
You can get your photo done professionally at places like Walgreens or there are mobile apps that will help you create an image for free.
- Proof of residency – You’ll need to provide a copy of your MT Driver’s License, MT State ID, Tribal ID, or Passport. If submitting a passport, you need to include a proof of residency document such as a utility bill or lease agreement. Acceptable documents for proof of legal guardianship are a birth certificate or other court-approved document.
- Provider – If you don’t plan on growing your own marijuana you’ll need to designate a provider. If you’re a legal guardian of a patient under the age of 18 you must register as a provider, yourself.
Instructions for the entire process are included on the website and forms.
Once you’ve submitted your application keep your eye out for an email notification letting you know that your application has been received. Once your application has been reviewed you’ll receive another email letting you whether or not you’ve been approved along with further instructions. If your application is rejected, you can follow the Application Rejection Process to attempt to fix the issues and resubmit your application.
You’ll need to pay a non-refundable $30.00 fee upon submission of your application. Payments can be made online by Credit/Debit Card, ACH, or check or money order, or you can mail your payment.
Montana Medical Marijuana Rules
Montana’s medical marijuana program is spearheaded by the Department of Public Health and Human Services (DPHHS). Compared to some states with complex regulatory structures and rules, Montana’s medical marijuana program is fairly straight forward.
Here are some of the basic rules and regulations that you should be aware of if you’re considering getting a medical marijuana card in Montana:
- Qualifications – In order to qualify for the Montana Medical marijuana program patients must suffer from at least one of the qualifying medical conditions specified under the law. See below for a complete list of qualifying conditions.
- Age limits – There are no age restrictions. However, patients under the age of 18 may only use cannabis-infused products and must be registered by a parent or guardian.
- Growing – Montana medical marijuana patients are permitted to possess up to four mature plants and four seedlings. If you do plan to grow your own marijuana, and you rent or leases the property on which you intend to grow it, you’ll need to supply a notarized Landlord Permission Form.
- Doctors – In Montana, both medical doctors and practitioners of osteopathic medicine can issue a medical marijuana recommendation.
- Confidentiality – All of your medical information is confidential and only accessible by your doctor. However, the Montana department of health and human services and state and local law enforcement agencies may access the list of cardholders to verify your status.
- Housing – Sadly, there is no provision under Montana medical marijuana laws which prohibits landlords from evicting patients who use medical marijuana on the premises.
- Employment – Employers in Montana are not required to accommodate the use of medical marijuana, and there is nothing to prevent them from forbidding marijuana use and drug testing employees.
- Insurance – Insurance providers are not required to cover the cost of medical marijuana in Montana.
- Reciprocity – Out of state cardholders are not protected under Montana medical marijuana laws.
- Expiration – Cards are good for up to 1 year from the date of approval. The length of time depends on your physician’s recommendation.
- Renewal – If you intend to renew your card you should do so at least 30 days before it expires. You’ll receive a renewal notification from the DOH at that time.
- Fees – There is a $30 fee to file an application and a $30 renewal fee. There will also be a cost for your physician exam.
Montana MedCard Q&A
Other Important Information about Montana Marijuana Cards
How Much Does a Montana Medical Card Cost To Get From The State?
How much does a Recommending Marijuana Doctor in Montana Cost?
The Average Cost to visit a Certified Ordering Doctor is $100 – $200 for the initial visit and $75 – $150 for the follow up visit.
Can doctors prescribe medical marijuana?
Doctors are actually not permitted to prescribe medical marijuana to their patients. However, if they are registered by the state, a doctor can recommend medical marijuana and approve their patients for access to the drug.
When I get my MT MMJ card, can I grow my own marijuana?
Yes, up to four plant and four seedlings.
Where can I find a marijuana doctor near me in MT?
Check out out marijuana doctors map to see if any are listed near you.
Montana Marijuana FAQ's
Frequently asked questions we receive regarding MT cannabis.
Can I Smoke Weed in Montana Once Qualified?
Can I Take My Medical Marijuana to a Different State?
No. According to current laws patients who obtain a medical card should use medical marijuana in Montana only. Medical marijuana patients may face federal and local charges of transporting marijuana if they cross state lines with the drug. This is true even if the states between which they are traveling allow medical marijuana. Should you need to travel with your marijuana it would be best to contact the state’s Bureau of health to understand the exact laws of the state you are traveling to in order to not risk breaking the law.
Is Recreational Weed Legal?
I see CBD Oils for sale on commercials, online, and at stores around town, is this CBD Oil legal in Montana?
Hemp derived CBD oil is legal.
Will CBD Oil, hemp, or cannabidiol get me high?
No. CBD is a product that has no THC if derived from hemp and very little if derived from cannabis. THC is the chemical compound that creates the “high”. CBD products are available for patients that have a need for non-euphoric treatment.
Is CBD for Pets really a thing?
Yes, CBD for Dogs, CBD for Cats, and CBD for pets in general is becoming a popular treatment for caring for pets that have arthritis, chronic pain and other ailments. The efficacy and safety of CBD for dogs, cats, and other pets have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. The FDA only evaluates foods and drugs, not supplements like these products.
Where can I get CBD for pets?
You can find CBD for pets at pet stores, retail and at holistic shops.
Are THC Infused edibles allowed in Montana?
What marijuana products are legally available in Montana?
Only flower grown by yourself or your licensed provider.
Where can I buy medical marijuana in Montana?
In Montana, providers must grow their own medical marijuana. Moreover, they are limited to the number of patients they can serve. Applicants must choose a licensed provider or grow their own marijuana.
Can I use Medical Marijuana Anywhere?
Similar to all states Montana medical cannabis card holders have to be responsible. It is important to remember that when smoking in public, it may be assumed that you are using it for recreational use, which is illegal on a Federal Level. Montana medical marijuana card holders are advised to consume their medicine responsibly, in the safety of their home or in a private residence.
How Much Should I consume?
You should always consult with a Montana marijuana doctor before using and that doctor will set the course of treatment.
Montana Medical Marijuana Contact Information
- Website – Department of Public Health and Human Services
- Address – DPHHS/MMP, P.O. Box 202953, Helena, MT 59620-2953
- Phone – 406-444-0596
- Fax – 406-444-1742