MedCard Telemedicine

Medical Marijuana Doctor in Norton, MA

Find a top rated marijuana doctor near me in Norton right from your kitchen table using MedCard telemedicine online. Qualified, compassionate doctors now use face to face virtual consultations to do 1st time appointments and medical card renewal in Norton, MA. These virtual consultations are done over your phone, tablet or computer, side stepping the trip to the doctor’s office.

For new patients or to renew your Massachusetts medical card, you must have a medical condition that cannabis may be a viable treatment option. After getting certified, you will be able to buy marijuana products at local dispensaries near you.

To Get Started

To get started, simply fill out the form below and press submit. Then create a login, and you’re on your way to visit with a marijuana telemedicine doctor online from the comfort of your home. It does not get better, easier, or more germ free than that! You will receive a follow up email with the details as well. Only paid if approved by the doctor. Legal Residents Only

100 Percent Secure Form

Patient Registration Form

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100 percent secure we respect your privacy
No Medical Card, No Charge

MA Qualifying Conditions List

To qualify patients must be suffering from at least one ailment on the state’s list of qualifying conditions. The doctor can certify any medical condition including PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, PMS and Insomnia if they believe it can be helped with medical marijuana.

Medcard Certifications


Mass Full MedCard Guide

Massachusetts CBD Guide

MMJ Qualifying Conditions

MA Dispensaries

Med Card Telemed Doctor

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