How to Get a Marijuana Card in Spanish Fort, AL
An Alabama medical card, or MedCard, is a state issued ID card that allows qualified patients access to medical cannabis in accord with state laws. Alabama has legalized medical marijuana in Spanish Fort via the passage of Bill SB 165. As dispensaries open and medical marijuana doctors certify patients, a medical card will allow access to purchase medical grade cannabis products in Spanish Fort.
Get Certified for Medical Cannabis in Spanish Fort
If you’re ready, we make it easy to connect with a recommending Marijuana Card Doctor in Spanish Fort. You will also receive updates and news related to the Alabama MMJ Program and its progression. To get started, simply fill out the patient registration form below and press submit. A clinic representative will contact you as available. Legal Residents Only Please.

Patient Registration Form

Alabama Qualifying Conditions List
What are the Qualifying Conditions required for medical marijuana in Spanish Fort?
Cerebral Palsy
Chronic Pain
Crohn’s Disease
Multiple Sclerosis
Parkinson’s Disease
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Severe, persistent muscle spasms
Severe Nausea
Wasting Syndrome
Alabama Marijuana Card FAQ
Do qualifying patients need to obtain an medical card?
- Yes
How much does a Recommending Marijuana Doctor in Spanish Fort Cost?
- Average visits to recommending marijuana doctors in other states vary. Typically, between $160 – $225 for an initial visit & $100-$200 for follow up visits. MedCard telemedicine is to get a marijuana card in Spanish Fort online may be less.
How often do I have to see my doctor?
- Once a year.
How Long are Marijuana Cards good for?
- AL medical cards are valid for 1 year.
If I get qualified for Low THC High CBD, where can I buy it?
- Dispensaries near Spanish Fort will be found on our near me map here as well as on Nationwide Dispensaries.
Once I have been approved, can I grow my own weed?
- No
What is the difference between CBD & THC?
- Psychoactive Vs. Non-Psychoactive. THC creates a euphoric effect due to the way it connects to the bodies endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has been recently recognized as an important modulatory system in the function of brain, endocrine, and immune tissues. Cannabidiol, or CBD reacts differently and is used with patients that require or prefer non euphoric care.
Where can I get hemp based CBD products online?
- You can check out the Complete Guide to CBD in Alabama here for more info, or click below to shop online.
How Much Should I Use?
- We do not give medical advice. Please consult with your doctor before using.
If you have any further questions after reading this check out the full Alabama MedCard Guide.