Medical marijuana has been scientifically proven to contain neuroprotective antioxidant properties that help in reducing the damages caused by free radicals such as pollution, stress and other toxins from impacting the health of nerve cells. When nerve cells are damaged, the symptoms of Bell’s palsy become worse.
Bell’s palsy is a medical condition that brings about paralysis or temporal weakness in the muscles of the face, thereby causing one side of the face to either droop or become stiff. This condition typically occurs when the nerve that is in control of facial muscles become swollen, inflamed or compressed. People with Bell’s palsy may find difficulties in smiling and closing the eye in the affected side. It should be noted that Bell’s palsy is a temporal condition since the symptoms often go away after a few weeks. Even though the condition can affect people of all ages, including children, it is most common among people aged 16 to 60 years.
Some of the symptoms of Bell’s palsy include a cold, ear and eye infections, drooling, facial weakness, headache, difficulty eating and drinking, dry eye and mouth, as well as muscle twitches in the face. Most often Bell’s palsy is treated with antiviral/antibacterial medication, over the counter pain medications like Ibuprofen or acetaminophen as well as eye drops. Physical therapy exercises are also sometimes recommended to stimulate facial muscles in people affected by Bell’s palsy.
Medical marijuana has been reported to have potential clinical relevance in the treatment of neurodegenerative disorders, Bell’s palsy inclusive. Medical marijuana works in the following ways to alleviate the symptoms of Bell’s palsy:
Anti-inflammatory Properties
Medical marijuana has been proven to have powerful anti-inflammatory properties. Medical cannabis has also been acknowledged to be effective in the treatment of nerve cell inflammations that are associated with multiple incapacitating degenerative conditions like Bell’s palsy. Scientific evidence has actually demonstrated that the psychoactive cannabinoid, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), is able to reduce neural inflammation in animal models. It is equally apparent that by treating inflammation, some of the symptoms of Bell’s palsy can be greatly reduced.
Even though substantial research is yet to be done on this subject, the government of the United States of America does have a patent that allows the use of cannabinoids as a protective agent against a wide range of neurological conditions including neurological traumas as well as inflammatory diseases.
Treats Headaches
Headache is a common symptom that is associated with Bell’s palsy and medical marijuana has been known to cure pains associated with headaches for many centuries. There is therefore evidences of a positive response with the use of medical marijuana in the treatment of headache caused by Bell’s palsy. Many patients have been reported to have admitted that medical marijuana makes their pain far more bearable.
Pain Relief
Facial, just like jaw pain is another common symptom of Bell’s palsy. Research has indicated that low doses of THC, a substance found in cannabinoids makes a potent analgesic. CBD, another powerful compound in medical cannabinoid have been reported to efficiently provide relief of pain in patients with Bell’s palsy.
Treats Associated Conditions of Bell’s Palsy
Clinical research has also found out that medical cannabis could be used to treat certain conditions that are associated with Bell’s palsy. Some of such conditions include HIV, diabetes, tumors and even viral herpes. It was revealed through a research on HIV patients that the consumption of medical cannabis is associated with the improvement in T cells which recognize and kill viruses fast.
According to a 2004 study, THC treatment reduced replication of the herpes family viruses in vitro. Similarly, results from a small human trial in 2010 indicated that cannabinoids helps against pain conditions that are caused by the Herpes zoster virus. It should be noted that this 2010 study tested a facial cream that contained synthetic cannabinoids.
However, a lot of research still needs to be done on the effectiveness of treating Bell’s palsy with medical cannabis. Thus, before integrating the herb into your treatment and care routine, it is imperative to first of all consult with a cannabis savvy doctor.
Some strains of medical marijuana are more effective in the treatment of Bell’s palsy than others. For example, Blue Dream offers head to toe relaxation that goes a long way to reduce inflammation as well as pain associated with Bell’s palsy. Similarly, Super Sour Diesel is highly recommended in the treatment of Bell’s palsy because it delivers a burst of energy and euphoria. Other medical marijuana strains that are useful in the treatment of Bell’s palsy include Harlequin, Cannatonic, and Pennywise.
Marijuana strains reported to help with Bell’s Palsy:
- Purple Kush
- Harlequin
- Blue Dream
- Pennywise
- Cannatonic
- Super Sour Diesel
How To Get Medical Marijuana
If you are a resident of a legal state interested in trying medical marijuana to treat Bell’s Palsy or other medical conditions, you will first need to consult with a marijuana doctor to get a medical marijuana certification. To get started, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, press submit and a physician or clinic representative will contact you as available.