How To Get a Vermont Marijuana Card Online
Did you know that Vermont was the 7th U.S. state to legalize medical marijuana way back in 2004 and the first state in the U.S. to legalize the recreational use of marijuana via an act of the legislature? Did you know that as things currently stand non-medical users are allowed to grow more marijuana than medical patients and recreational users are allowed to grow outdoors, but medical cardholders are technically supposed to grow indoors? We’ll explain all of that as well as how to get a medical marijuana card in Vermont in this article.
Vermont Medical Marijuana Qualifying Conditions
Here is the list of qualifying medical conditions as of the time of writing. This may change, so you might want to check with your doctor anyway if your ailment is not listed.
Qualifying medical conditions include:
- Cancer
- Multiple sclerosis (MS)
- Glaucoma
- Chronic or debilitating disease that produces one or more of the following symptoms:
A Brief History and Overview of Vermont Medical Marijuana Laws
According to the Vermont Marijuana Registry (VMR) website, the mission of the program is:
“To implement the provisions of 18 V.S.A. Chapter 86, Therapeutic Use of Cannabis, as it pertains to registered patients, caregivers, and dispensaries. The Vermont Marijuana Registry (VMR) reviews and processes applications, issuing registry identification cards to residents of Vermont with verified debilitating medical conditions and evaluate the compliance of registered dispensaries. The VMR also strives to ensure registered patients are able to access cannabis for symptom relief in a timely manner, protect confidentiality, and prevent the diversion and theft of cannabis.”
Vermont’s first medical cannabis law went into effect back in 2004. Senate Bill 76 established the Vermont Medical Marijuana Registry. Under the law patients with debilitating medical conditions, including HIV/AIDS, cancer, and multiple sclerosis were permitted to grow their own marijuana. Residents of all ages are eligible for the program. However, if a patient is under the age of 18, their application must be signed by a parent or guardian. Also, patients were permitted to designate a primary caregiver for assistance if they cannot grow, purchase, or administer their own medication. The current limit of two ounces per patient was first established at that time.
Then in 2007, cultivation limits were increased to two mature and seven immature plants. Furthermore, licensed physicians in neighboring states were allowed to recommend cannabis for Vermont residents. Senate Bill 7 also expanded the qualifying conditions to include any chronic, debilitating condition or its treatment if it produces cachexia or wasting syndrome, severe pain, severe nausea, or seizures.
In 2011, Senate Bill 17 was passed creating a system of state-licensed dispensaries. There are now five licensed medical marijuana dispensaries in the state of Vermont. Also, physician’s assistants and advanced practice registered nurses became eligible to write recommendations.
Then in 2014, Senate Bill 247 created a delivery program for dispensaries and also granted naturopathic physicians the right to recommend medical marijuana.
And in 2016, Senate Bill 14 reworded “severe pain” to the less restrictive term, “chronic pain.”
Vermont Marijuana Q&A
What About Vermont’s Recreational/Adult-Use Marijuana Laws?
As we mentioned, Vermont was the first state in the U.S. to legalize the recreational use of marijuana via an act of the legislature. On July 1, 2018, marijuana became legal for all adults 21 and over in the state of Vermont. Although there are some inconsistencies between the state’s medical and recreational programs, lawmakers are working to iron out the details.
For example, there are no limits to the amount of homegrown pot you can possess if you’re 21 or older. However, the old medical marijuana law specified a limit of 2 ounces per patient. If a recreational user doesn’t grow their own weed, they’re only allowed to possess up to 1 ounce.
Also, according to the recreational use law, the general public is permitted to plant cannabis outdoors, as long as the growing space is securely enclosed and the property owner has given permission. Medical patients who are under 21, on the other hand, are technically required to keep all of their plants indoors.
Moreover, medical marijuana patients are currently required to transport their marijuana in a locked container. No such requirement exists for adults in the general public.
Vermont’s recreational bill also set stiff penalties for anyone caught providing marijuana to minors or adults under the age of 21, putting caregivers at risk of becoming criminals.
A bill designed to fix some of these inconsistencies was passed by the Vermont Senate in March but ended up dying in the House Human Services Committee. Had it passed, the bill would have also opened up the program to patients with just about any medical condition or symptom that their doctor deems worthy.
However, a renewed attempt is being made by the Senate which has passed a special session bill and these issues are expected to be ironed out sooner than later.
So, Are there benefits to being a vermont Medical Marijuana Card Holder?
Vermont currently has around 6,000 patients in the program. However, there’s evidence that Vermonters are losing interest in the program now that pot is legal in the state, and enrollment has slowed substantially.
Since marijuana is legal for all adults in the Green Mountain State, are there really any benefits to jumping through all the hoops to get a medical marijuana card in Vermont? Actually, yes, there are.
Regardless of the recreational law, there are some distinct benefits of being a medical marijuana cardholder in Vermont. Here are a few examples:
- Medical patients under the age of 21 years old are permitted to possess marijuana, whereas non-card holders must be 21 or older.
- Recreational users currently have no legal way to acquire marijuana aside from growing it, whereas medical users can purchase from a state-licensed medical marijuana dispensary.
- Marijuana purchased through dispensaries in Vermont is regulated. It must be tested for potency, toxins, pesticides, impurities, and so on, whereas there is no regulatory oversight for non-medical pot.
- Dispensaries offer a far wider selection of medical marijuana strains than your local dealer or your friend that grows pot it in their back yard.
- Budtenders at dispensaries are knowledgable and provide valuable expertise in the strains and products that are best suited to your needs and lifestyle.
How Do I Get a Vermont Medical Marijuana Card?
Obtaining your medical marijuana card in Vermont is a fairly straight-forward process.
Step 1 is to talk to your doctor to see if you even qualify for the program. In order to apply for a card, you must have a written recommendation from your doctor. Your doctor will need to certify that you suffer from one of the qualifying conditions as listed above.
Step 2 is to fill out your Medical Marijuana Registry application (link below). Once you’ve done that, you’ll simply submit your application along with your doctor’s letter of recommendation and a $50 application fee. That’s it!
Once you get your card you will be permitted to purchase marijuana at one of the five dispensaries in the state, or even have it delivered right to your door.
Get Started:
Get Certified for Medical Cannabis In Vermont:
For potential VT medical marijuana patients we make it easy to connect with a recommending MedCard doctor. You will also receive updates & news relative to marijuana in Vermont. If you are interested simply fill out the patient registration form and a clinic representative will contact you as available. Legal Residents Only Please.

Patient Registration Form

Vermont Medical Marijuana FAQ's
Frequently asked questions we receive regarding VT marijuana.
Once I have my Vermont MMJ card, where can I buy marijuana?
You will go to a state licensed dispensary. You can find them on Vermont Dispensaries.
Once I have my VT MMJ card, can I grow my own marijuana?
Yes – Up to 2 mature and 7 immature plants.
How much legal weed can I have in VT with a card?
2 ounces for medical and 1 ounce for adult use recreational.
Can I Smoke Weed Once Qualified?
Yes. Marijuana for medical use in VT can be smoked in plant form or CBD & THC oils can be vaped.
Can I take my medical cannabis to a different state?
Medical marijuana patients in all states may face federal and local charges of transporting marijuana if they cross state lines with the drug. This is true even if the states between which they are traveling allow medical marijuana. Should you need to travel with your marijuana it would be best to contact the state’s Bureau of health to understand the exact laws of the state you are traveling to in order to not risk breaking the law.
Who Can Use Marijuana in Vermont?
Adults 21 and over & card carrying medical marijuana patients.
CBD is for sale online in the forms of oils, topicals, flower and tinctures. CBD products for sale are also in head shops, pet stores and holistic shops around town. Is this CBD Oil legal in Vermont?
Hemp CBD oil which is derived from the hemp plant is legal throughout the United States.
Will CBD, Hemp, or cannabidiol oil get me high?
What is the difference between CBD & THC?
Psychoactive Vs. Non-Psychoactive. THC creates a euphoric effect due to the way it connects to the bodies endocannabinoid system. The endocannabinoid system has been recently recognized as an important modulatory system in the function of brain, endocrine, and immune tissues. Cannabidiol, or CBD reacts differently and is used with patients that require or prefer non euphoric care.
Is CBD for Pets really a thing?
Yes, CBD for Dogs, CBD for Cats, and CBD for pets in general is becoming a popular treatment for caring for pets that have arthritis, chronic pain and other ailments.
Where can I get CBD for pets?
You can find CBD for pets online, at some pet stores, and at holistic shops.
Are THC edibles allowed in Vermont?
Yes, marijuana edibles infused with THC are allowed.
How Much Should I consume?
You should always consult with a licensed Vermont medical marijuana doctor before using medical marijuana in any forms.
Additional Resources & Links
About Vermont Marijuana Registry
Registration Packet (Includes forms for the patient, caregiver, and health care professional)
Registered Patient Application
Health Care Professional Verification Form
Registered Caregiver Application (For caregivers applying at a separate time than the patient)
Mental Health Care Provider Form (Required for patients applying with PTSD)
Cardholder Change/Request Form (This form is for patients to change dispensaries, update their information, or request a new ID card.)
Patients and Caregivers
NORML – Vermont Medical Marijuana Law
Burlington Free Press – New Vermont marijuana law leaves medical patients with conflicting rules
Vermont Medical Marijuana Registry Contact Information
- Vermont Marijuana Registry
45 State Drive
Waterbury, VT 05671-1300 - Tel: (802) 241-5115
- Fax: (802) 241-5230
- Email: