Treating Spasticity – The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Treating Spasticity With Medical Marijuana and the Best Strains For It.

There have positive results from clinical trials using of cannabinoids to treat spasticity and these results are widely accepted by the medical community. Some medical professionals recommend the use of cannabinoids for the treatment of this motor disorder. 

Recently, the Spanish Society of Neurology conducted an observational study of 50 patients treated with THC / CBD and it was observed that this treatment was effective for 80% of patients when marijuana was taken 5 times a day. This led to the conclusion that THC / CBD is a good alternative for standard treatments of refractory spasticity.

Some other clinical trials showed a clear reduction in spasticity and symptoms related to spasticity (rigidity, pain and sleep disturbances), in patients resistant to other treatments. A patient who has painful neuropathy on the bottom of his feet said marijuana takes the painful feeling away and makes him feel better when it gets worse with minimal to no harmful side effects.

The Best Cannabis Strains for Spasticity

Some of the best marijuana strains for spasticity patients include:

Medical science is uncovering the knowledge that cannabis helps treat spasticity. Spasticity refers to the increased tension in muscles when they are continually contracted. This contraction leads to the tightness or stiffness of the muscles and an inability to control those muscles. In the medical world there are several names for spasticity such as infantile encephalopathy (IE) or cerebral palsy (CP). This condition causes the spastic limb to lose its suppleness and flexibility. In the most severe cases, spasticity can affect the quality of life.

Spasticity can be subdivided into the following groups: monoplegia (one arm or leg), paraplegia (in both legs), diplegia (in both legs with slight disorders in the arms), triplegia (in three limbs), tetraplegia (in four limbs) and hemiplegia (on one side of the body).

Some people refer to spasticity as a mysterious symptom. Because it comes and goes as it wishes. The symptoms also vary from patient to patient and even the same individual can experience a variety of symptoms at different times. Some of the most common symptoms of spasticity include increased muscle tone, overactive reflexes, pain, abnormal posture, joint deformities, contractures and delayed motor development.

According to healthcare providers, this condition is caused by some kind of miscommunication between the central nervous system and the muscles. Fortunately, there are treatments to relieve spasticity and reduce its effects on the patient’s daily life. Oral muscle relaxants are usually prescribed in cases of generalized and moderate spasticity, in addition to physiotherapy.

Some patients experience drowsiness after taking their medications, unlike how cannabis helps treat spasticity. So, doctors re-evaluate treatments on a regular basis, to adjust their patients’ doses and to measure the side effects and effectiveness of the medications.

How To Get a Med Marijuana Card for Spasticity

If you are a resident of a legal state and want medical marijuana to help treat Spasticity or other medical conditions, you will first need to consult with a certified doctor in order to get your med card. 

To get started, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, press submit and a physician or clinic representative will contact you as available.

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