Treating Eczema – The Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Aside from these conventional medications, there are indications that applying medical cannabis topically on the skin could ease the symptoms of eczema. It is imperative to note that when eczema is triggered from an outside source making contact, the skin becomes inflamed and irritated, and this could result in not only unpleasant sensations, but also an unpleasant appearance. 

Well, cannabis has been reported to cure the inflammation that occurs by merely initiating an immunosuppressive effect. Moreover, because the flare-ups and inflammations are as a result of immune cells responding to triggers, applying cannabis could help quench the inflammatory fire, thereby easing the symptoms.

Eczema, also known as atopic dermatitis is a condition that makes the skin red and itchy. Even though it’s common in children, it can as well occur in anyone. Most often, eczema begins before the age of 5 and could persist into adolescence and adulthood. This condition is usually long lasting and it often flares up periodically. Sometimes, eczema is accompanied by hay fever or asthma.

The symptoms of eczema vary from person to person and may include dry skin, thickened cracked scaly skin, raw sensitive swollen skin from scratching, small raised bumps which could leak fluids and crust over when scratched, as well as red to brownish-gray patches which are typically on the feet, hands, ankles, wrists, neck or upper chest. Eczema could also result in sleeping problems since the itch-scratch circle can affect the quality of sleep. 

Healthy skin helps in retaining moisture as well as protecting it from bacteria and other irritants or allergens. That said, eczema is rather reported to be related to a gene variation that affects the ability of the skin to provide this variation. Thus, with eczema, the skin is more likely to be affected by environmental factors, irritants and allergens.

The main risk factor of atopic dermatitis is having a family history of eczema, allergens, asthma or hay fever. It’s possible to prevent eczema by using only gentle soaps, moisturizing your skin at least once a day, taking short baths/showers, taking a bleach bath as well as identifying and avoiding the triggers that make the conditions get worse. Of course, atopic dermatitis (eczema) can be treated through therapies such as wet dressings, counselling, light therapy as well as behavior modification. Certain medications including oral inflammation drugs as well as creams that control itching and help repair the skin can also be used to treat eczema.

A scientific review that explored the possible therapeutic effects of cannabis on the skin, with regard to the endocannabinoid system was published in the journal, Experimental Dermatology. The authors of this review stated that the altercation of the endocannabinoid system could be important for the development of certain diseases. The authors further opined that the endocannabinoid system could be involved in the reduction of the allergic response triggered by allergens. The researchers, however concluded that considering the fact that the current knowledge on the therapeutic possibilities of cannabinoid on skin diseases seem questionable, there is a need for further research.

A scientific paper that was published in the journal, Trends in Pharmacological Sciences had pointed out that the endocannabinoid system (ECS) plays a vital role in the health of skin cells. According to the authors of this paper, the disruption of this system could result in the development of eczema and other related skin conditions. Thus, the authors stated that manipulating the endocannabinoid system for the purpose of normalizing symptoms could be beneficial for numerous skin diseases. Cannabis can therefore be used to manipulate the endocannabinoid system and several studies have actually demonstrated the effectiveness of cannabinoids in the treatment of eczema.

According to a study that was published in the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology, medical cannabis was reported to have anti-inflammatory properties that are effective in the treatment of both allergic contact dermatitis and atopic dermatitis (eczema).

It should be noted that many cannabis-based products have been developed for topical use. Of course, eczema takes place on the outside of the skin, so it only makes sense to apply cannabinoids products directly on the affected area. Some of such products include hemp soaps, balms and lotions rich in cannabinoids.

However, considering that the role of cannabinoids in eczema treatment looks particularly optimistic, there is a need for further scientific investigations.


Mayo Clinic
Web MD

Marijuana strains reported to help with Eczema:


How To Get Medical Marijuana


If you are a resident of a legal state interested in trying medical marijuana, to get started, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form, press submit and a physician or clinic representative will contact you as available.

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