How to Get a Marijuana Card in South Brunswick, NJ
A New Jersey marijuana card, or MedCard gives qualified patients in South Brunswick the opportunity to buy medical grade cannabis products at open state licensed dispensaries. NJ law has several requirements for patients to get certified. Below details the steps on how to get or renew a medical marijuana card in South Brunswick.
To get your medical card in South Brunswick, you must first get approved by a certifying doctor. Medical marijuana certifications are now being done virtually online using telemedicine. No travel, leaving the house, or in person doctor office visit necessary. It doesn’t get any easier or germ free than this.
Participating in the state’s medical cannabis program is not difficult. If you’re ready, simply fill out the MMJ patient registration form and press submit. You will receive a follow up email with the details as well. See if you qualify today!

Patient Registration Form

NJ Qualifying Conditions List
Below is the current medical conditions that qualify patients for medical grade cannabis in South Brunswick. Additionally, There are debilitating conditions such as depression and anxiety that may be associated with other conditions such as PTSD. Talk to a certified med marijuana doctor online about your condition and if medical marijuana may be right for you.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis
Chronic Pain
Crohn’s Disease
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Multiple sclerosis
Muscular Dystrophy
Muscular Spasticity
Opioid Use Disorder
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
Seizure disorder
Terminal Illness
Tourette’s Syndrome
Vomiting, or
Wasting Syndrome
Getting a Marijuana Card in South Brunswick in 3 Easy Steps
STEP 1 – Visit with a Medical Marijuana Doctor online
- MedCard telemedicine appointments are done online without leaving home.
- Be a New Jersey resident.
- Be diagnosed with a qualifying condition by a NJ Doctor registered with the MMP.
- Locate a recommending marijuana doctor that will speak with you in regard getting a medical card.
- Following the doctors approval your certification will be uploaded to the state system.
STEP 2 – Required Documents
- Recent photograph, full-face view, directly facing the camera.
- NJ Driver’s License or other government Issued photo ID
- Proof of Residency – Recent utility bill including but not limited to a gas, electric, water, sewer, phone, cable or internet bill.
STEP 3 – Register with the state
- Go to state website for registrations and renewals..
- You will need the reference number from your Medicinal Marijuana doctor found on your copy of your MMP certification.
- Create a profile here: STATE WEBSITE
- Login and pay the states fee for the medical marijuana ID card fee which is $100.00.
- If you are involved in any assistance programs such as Medicaid, SSD, SSI, SNAP, or a Military Veteran, you are eligible for the reduced fee of $20.00.
- Congratulations! Go buy some marijuana for medical use!
South Brunswick Marijuana Card Q&A
How much does a medical marijuana doctor near me cost?
Certifications are done online using telemedicine. The current price for a first time certification is between $175 – $225. The cost to renew a New Jersey medical marijuana card is $99 – $150.
If I do not get my card, do I still have to pay?
Only charged if approved.
Didn’t recreational marijuana in South Brunswick go legal, why would I want a medical marijuana card?
TAXES, TAXES, TAXES. The cost for medical cannabis is much cheaper than adult use recreational use products.
When I get my med card, can I grow my own marijuana?
Medical marijuana patients in South Brunswick are not permitted to grow their own. There are harsh penalties if you get caught doing so.
Where can I find a dispensaries for medical grade cannabis or recreational weed in South Brunswick?
Check out our near me map to see if any are listed near you visit Nationwide Dispensaries | NJ
Can I get fired for having legal THC in my system?
Medical Marijuana and Employee Rights
Is marijuana delivery in South Brunswick available?
The state says they are working on it and hope to introduce home delivery soon.
Is CBD in South Brunswick legal?
Yes, hemp based CBD is legal without a card.
Where is the best place to shop for CBD oil online?
How much should I take and what kind of products?
We do not give medical advice. Consult with a med marijuana card doctor near you in South Brunswick or online before using.
If you have any further questions after reading this check out the New Jersey Guide to Medical Marijuana.